Rustime is Russia’s most influential and respected non-profit organization protecting the rights and interests of timeshare industry players and owners of timeshare products. The main goal of the Rustime Association is to support and develop the infrastructure for state-of-the-art tourism sectors in Russia and to integrate Russian tourism into the global tourist system.

Rustime’s aims

Rustime’s aims are to assist timeshare certificate holders in protecting their rights, to provide information support, to organize educational and training programmes for improving timeshare services in Russia and to help Russia’s timeshare market gain a solid international reputation.

Important area

One important area in the Association’s activities is assistance in shaping the overall strategy for developing the club vacationing market and the tourism infrastructure. These activities include involving the authorities, socially responsible businesses and civil society bodies, as well as combining and coordinating the efforts of owners of club vacationing products (timeshares), experts and consultants (lawyers, hotel business representatives, tourist infrastructure owners, marketing experts, etc.) with a view to exchanging experience and information, and bolstering professional competences.

The concepts

The concepts on which the Rustime Association’s activities are based have been developed from Russian and international timeshare market research, from studies of how timeshare non-profits operate abroad, and from an overview of the current terminology and legal framework of the timeshare market.